Talent Circle is a holistic team development program that is custom-built to increase collaboration, communication practices and team dynamics & performance.

The TALENT CIRCLE concept leans on the holistic development of the individual, the processes and deliverables and the practices and behaviors needed for a team to function and perform at it’s best.



Teams and team leaders today are confronted with new challenges at an accelerated rate. This often results in decreased performance, unattainable expectations, undue stress, and a tendency to shy away from taking charge of challenging tasks or new ideas. Yet self-realized talent and leaders are crucial for a corporation to retain strong market presence.

Having recognized this, highly competitive corporations maintain their leading edge by not only attracting the best talent but also by nurturing them as individuals to become outstanding teams.

TALENT CIRCLE is a support tool for such organizations. It equips teams and team leaders with the skills and knowhow to manage themselves and others in a highly competitive world.

Participants become more performance focused, conflict resilient, embrace personality and diversity, are masters of critical thinking, easily connect to and motivate others and bring clarity and direction to the job.



TALENT CIRCLE works in sustainable 2-day modules spread over a 12 to 36-month period. Each module focuses on behavior, strategy, communication, relational acumen and skill. These are key modules that may be included and customized to your specific needs:

. Mastering the Self (Self-management and
. Dealing with Challenges and Controversy
. Leading and Collaborating with Others
. Intrapreneur-ship and Thoughtful Risk Taking
. Thriving in and Surviving Times of Change

Talk to us about your specific situation. It’s worth a conversation.

IAK Group
Headquarter & Office Germany
Institut fuer Angewandte Kreativitaet
Koelner Weg 44
D - 50858 Koeln

Fon +49 (0)221/800207-0
Fax +49 (0)221/800207-11
Email info(at)iak.de
Web www.iak.de


The IAK has been a significant driver for leadership advancement and corporate development since 1970. We believe that sustainable positive change can only be achieved by strengthening individual engagement, mindset and know-how. The services and competencies that we have developed over the decades are founded on the pragmatic integration of strategy, structure, synergy and culture within the organization.